Thursday, 19 April 2012

Natural History Museum

Well the Natural History Museum got back to me incredibly promptly, which is great. However, sadly I wasn't given any specifications as to the type of thing they would look for within an informative animation. But it's always worth asking!

Dear Katie Macon,

Thank you for contacting the Natural History Museum.

Unfortunately, I can’t answer your question directly. I wouldn’t choose what to include in your work of art. I believe you should decide what message you need to convey to your audience, and then make your choice based on the known facts about honeybees. I recommend using a library or a thorough Internet research for scientifically accurate information about honeybees. There are many books published by beekeepers so you should find this kind of information even in council libraries of freely on web sites.

You can also visit our library at the Museum: but this kind of research would take more than we are allowed to spend on an individual routine enquiry, so it would be better if you could do it yourself.

I’m sorry to disappoint you by not answering your question as such, but I hope that this bit of advice will be useful.

Best wishes,

Florin Feneru

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